Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's not just about the building...

This little guy greeted us when we came home one night. The light above the door was attracting all manner of insects so it was just  like a buffet for him.
 The recent rain has brought the bush to life. Everything is lush and green.

 See the family resemblance? He's got his mum's ears.
 So tiny. So beautiful.

I love it when a plan comes together....

It’s a surreal experience to see an image that you’ve held in your imagination for so long, suddenly become real.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's a dog's life.....

Muffin & Cooke love the farm and they take every opportunity to “immerse” themselves in farm life.

Wonderful Walls

The cladding is called "Bushland Grey"
It was interesting to watch the colour change throughout the day.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What a difference a window makes...and a few doors!

We started the roof sheeting on the 17th October. It was completed on Sunday 14th November. Bad weather plagued us during this period. If it wasn’t raining then we had strong winds, and on one particularly bad weekend it was both. However the frustration was soon forgotten as the roof was completed and the windows and doors went in.


A Roof Over Our Head

17th October 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Too Easy!!

13th September 2010
The frames go up.

All hooves on deck!! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

See honey I told you it would be easy.....

These 6 photos represent 3 weeks of hard work in very trying conditions. The cold mornings were bad enough...but then it started to rain...and rain....and rain.

Just to add insult to injury, we had to pump out the water that had collected in the footings before we could pour the concrete. How do you pump the water out of footings?
Don’t even ask….
The rain held off just enough for us to pour the slabs on the 9th July 2010.

Who's The Boss?

 Site Manager- Cookie

Quality Control- Belle, closely followed by the Safety Supervisor-Muffin