Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Foundations and Frost

July 2010 and after years of planning we’re finally ready to start the foundations. Trent is particularly excited because he’s about to fulfill a life long dream of building his own home. After some careful consideration we decided to lay the foundations for the house & the 2 cabins at the same time. Economies of scale and all that stuff….

It’s probably a good idea to pause at this point and fill in a few details. Actually it’s more background information than anything, but I think it will help you appreciate my following posts.

We both love our farm. We plan to retire there one day. We have spent many hours dreaming up the design for our home and the cabins and we believe that the passive solar design will make it a wonderful home to live in. It’s just the building part.  A major part of the dream for Trent is actually building them himself (along with some help from contractors)  Me, not so much……..

Anyway it’s all part of the journey and I'm willing to give it a go. How hard can it be?
The form work arrives at 6.30am on the 1st July and  yes....that is frost you can see in the background.

No turning back now!

23rd January 2010
I took an early morning walk around the farm to inspect the  damage, I mean progress.  It didn't  stay  like this for long, but still it was rather confronting

The leveled site for cabin 1

and cabin 2

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

A shed fit for a King....and a Princess

August 2006
Finally we start to build.
I never thought I'd say this but after months of camping in a tent,  a shed sounded like bliss.

Umm honey....what happened to the trees???


Ok who's got the instructions?

Completed 09.01.2007
"too easy"

You can't have a farm without animals.

Introducing the herd…aka “The Girls”